I'm a full professor of Philosophy at the University of Toronto. My areas of research include Kant and Post-Kantian Philosophy, German and British Romanticism, and Global Philosophy (especially Classical Indian Philosophy). I have held research fellowships through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany.
My articles have been published in journals such as Critical Inquiry, Mind, Philosophers' Imprint, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, European Journal of Philosophy, American Philosophical Quarterly, History of Philosophy Quarterly, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, and the Journal of the History of Philosophy.
Much of my previous work pursued two broad themes: how conceptions of freedom and morality were intertwined during the late Enlightenment period, especially in the work of Kant and his immediate successors. The results of this research were published in two books, Fichte’s Moral Philosophy (Oxford University Press, 2020) and Kant’s Justification of Ethics (Oxford University Press, 2021), and a short monograph, Kant on Freedom (Cambridge University Press, 2023).
In recent years I have worked on the European reception of classical Indian philosophy, as well as the interconnections of British and German romanticism. This bore fruit as Indian Philosophy and Yoga in Germany (Routledge, 2024) and Return of the Gods: Mythology in Romantic Philosophy and Literature (Oxford University Press, 2025). I have current projects on Kant, Novalis, Schelling, and romanticism.
Email → owen.ware@utoronto.ca