University of Toronto, PhD
Doctoral Thesis: Kant, Skepticism, and Moral Sensibility
University of Victoria, BA
Service to the Profession
I am an active reviewer of proposals, books, and articles for the following presses and journals:
Presses: Oxford University Press UK and NY, Routledge, Cambridge University Press, Broadview Press, Anthem Press, Bloomsbury.
Journals: Mind, Ergo, Philosophers’ Imprint, Journal of the History of Philosophy, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Philosophical Quarterly, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, History of Philosophy Quarterly, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, European Journal of Philosophy, Religious Studies, American Philosophical Quarterly, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, Intellectual History Review, Synthese, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, The Monist, Journal of Value Inquiry, Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, Journal of the American Philosophical Association, Southern Journal of Philosophy, Philosophical Papers, Kantian Review, Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, Grazer Philosophische Studien, Kant Studies Online, Res Philosophica, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Idealistic Studies, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Philosophia, Studi Kantiani
Areas of Research
AOS: Kant and Post-Kantian Philosophy, Global Philosophy (esp. Classical Indian Philosophy)
AOC: Early Modern Philosophy, Contemporary Moral Philosophy, Philosophy and Literature, Philosophy of Religion
Selected Fellowships & Grants
SSHRC Insight Grant
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Fellowship
SSHRC Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Selected Prizes & Awards
Best of 2021—Philosophy Books, Oxford University Press
UTM Research Prize
Philosophers’ Annual
Wilfred Sellars Essay Prize
SSHRC Post-Doctoral Prize